Litter and Dog Bins
Having a litter free environment is important for residents, wildlife and the environment and the Parish Council has provided a number of litter bins across the parish. Please either take your litter home or use one of the bins provided.
Dog Fouling
It is your responsibility to clear up after your dog if it fouls in a public area. Owners who don’t comply can be fined up to £1000.
Dog bins are located at:
- Recreation Ground - near tennis courts and between the two fields
- Village Hall car park
- Junction Walton Place / New Road
- Brook End, opposite Mill Lane
- Church Walk, near church
- Church Lane, opposite Bates Lane
- Brookside
- Junction Church Lane / Worlds End Lane
- Main Street, opposite the Chandos
- Wendover Road, end footpath 20
- Wendover Road, near Pace Centre
- Hampden Hall by post box
- Hampden Hall near play area
- Hampden Hall open green space
- Old Rickyard Piece
Report an issue
Although the Parish Council provides the bins, they are emptied by Buckinghamshire Council. Overflowing bins and fly tipping can be reported direct to Buckinghamshire Council -
If you notice any other issues with any of the existing litter or dog bins - or believe that an area is in need of either type of bin - please report to the Clerk .